Friday, November 4, 2011

The Gouging Continues

I heard on the news yesterday that yet another crop has "suffered" from some drought/flooding/diease/insect bullshit.  Yes folks, get ready to see peanut butter "possibly quadruple" in price.  Whether the "shortage" is real or not, you know they're going to gouge us anyway.  Have you ever noticed that they do this to all of the poor mans staple foods?; Foods that we poor bastards can store in bulk and feed our families off of?  In 10 years I've watched my 17 cent canned peas and corn at ALDI go to 65 cents a can.  My precious bacon has come under attack and tripled in price.  Has your income tripled?  Hell no it hasn't.  Like they always say, "Follow the money", and you'll see who gains from all of our misery.  You know the Jesus freaks out there who say He's coming back soon?  I hope they're right and He makes all the greedy motherfuckers who've ruined this once mighty nation of ours answer for what they've done.  Yes, I said "ours".  Though you'd never know it, this is still supposed to be OUR country.  I just wonder when people will grow enough balls to march on D.C. and take it back! There's the real nut shortage in America!  I hate to think how my Grandfather and his peers fought in WWII so that shit like this wouldn't take over our world.  I'm glad he's not here to see this.  Of course, if he and his generation were still here and able, maybe something would get done.  They didn't take any shit from Hitler, I can't imagine they'd take any of this shit now!